
The Benefits of Music and Movement for Preschool Children’s Development

In early childhood, children’s brains develop rapidly. They are also susceptible to experiences during this time. As such, parents and educators are always looking for ways to provide the most conducive environment for their growth. One activity that is particularly beneficial for preschoolers is music and movement.

benefits of music

Music and movement promote physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. It improves gross motor skills, coordination, and balance. Moreover, it allows children to express themselves creatively and develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

Music and movement also provide a platform for children to interact and socialize with their peers. They learn about sharing, cooperation, taking turns, and working together. Music and movement activities can also improve children’s language and communication skills. This is achieved by learning new words and concepts through songs and movement.

This blog will delve into their many benefits for preschool children’s development. We will explore the science behind this activity’s advantages. We will also provide practical tips on how to incorporate music and movement into your preschoolers’ daily routines.


5 Benefits of Music and Movement

Music and movement are powerful tools for promoting preschool children’s healthy development. They offer a fun and engaging way for young children to learn and explore the world around them. Research shows they can significantly affect a child’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth.

This section will discuss some key reasons music and movement benefit preschool children’s development. Music and movement can profoundly impact a child’s early years, from brain development to motor skills and self-confidence. So without further adieu, here’s a closer look at these benefits:

Motor Skills Development

Music and movement activities provide a fun and engaging way for preschool children to develop motor skills. Dancing, clapping, jumping, and moving to the rhythm can help children improve coordination, balance, and strength. For example, dancing helps children develop coordination and balance as they learn to move their bodies in time with the music.

Playing with instruments can also help children develop hand-eye coordination and finger dexterity. These skills are needed for everyday activities, such as dressing, drawing, and writing. Music and movement activities also encourage children to move their bodies differently. This can improve their overall physical fitness and well-being.

Language and Communication Skills

Participating in activities such as singing, learning rhymes, and moving around can greatly help children. Through such activities, they learn new words, ideas, and rhythms.

Engaging in these activities is also enjoyable for children to build their language skills. This can ultimately contribute to their academic success and social interactions.

Additionally, children can develop the capacity to express themselves creatively and confidently. They can learn to articulate their thoughts and feelings. These skills are essential for establishing positive relationships and navigating the social world.

Emotional Development

Preschoolers can learn to express their emotions through music and movement. Children can learn to recognize and regulate their emotions, build self-esteem, and develop empathy for others.

Such activities can also help them develop a sense of belonging and connection with others. This is essential for their emotional well-being. For example, group singing or dancing activities can help children feel a sense of unity and togetherness.

In addition, research has shown that music can also help reduce stress and anxiety in children. This can have a positive impact on their emotional health.

Social Development

Through music and movement, preschoolers can learn to interact and socialize with their peers. They can learn about sharing, cooperation, and teamwork. These are social skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

For example, playing an instrument in a group can help children learn to listen to others and work together to create music. This can also help them develop a sense of responsibility and commitment to their group.

These social skills are essential for building positive relationships with others. This encourages them to develop empathy and understanding in navigating the social world.

Cognitive Development

Research has shown that musical training can help children develop important cognitive skills. Skills such as memory, attention, and spatial reasoning.

Additionally, movement activities such as dancing can help to develop their spatial awareness. This is so important for mathematical reasoning and problem-solving.

These activities can help children develop their creativity and critical thinking skills. These are essential for academic success and personal growth.

Ways to Use Music and Movement

Parents and educators can incorporate music and movement in a fun and easy ways. Here are some activities to try out:

Music and movement games

This is one of the best ways to use music and movement. Fun games like “Simon Says” can help improve their skills in listening and following directions. While dancing along to a fun song can help develop coordination and gross motor skills. Try dance games like “Freeze Dance.”

Singing and nursery rhymes

Singing children’s songs can help develop language and communication skills. Apart from singing nursery rhymes, you can also ask them to sing their favorite songs. This can also improve your child’s memory and rhythm. Plus, doing this can create a bonding opportunity between you and your kid.

Dancing and creative movement activities

Creating dance routines or using props to move to action songs can help develop gross motor skills, body awareness, and spatial awareness. It can also help them develop a love for physical activity.

Playing musical instruments

Doing so can help develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and creativity. It can also help foster a love for music and inspire future musical interests.

Music and movement story time

During storytime, act out stories or use instruments to create sound effects. This can help develop imagination, listening skills, and language and communication skills.

Mindfulness activities

Use music and movement as a tool for mindfulness and emotional regulation. Encourage children to focus on their breath and move in sync with the soothing music to help calm their minds and bodies.

Outdoor nature walks

Take them on nature walks and use music and movement to engage with their surroundings. This can help develop curiosity, creativity, and appreciation for nature. In addition, this can provide physical activity opportunities.

In conclusion

Incorporating music and movement into a preschooler’s daily routine is easy but crucial for their development. It can help their cognitive, social, emotional, motor, and language skills. All the while providing opportunities for creativity and self-expression.

Ultimately, music and movement can help set the foundation for well-rounded development. This can benefit your child well into adulthood. So, let us all make an effort to encourage our little ones to move to the beat and sing their hearts out!

10 Simple Tips for Teaching a Toddler to Read

Starting your toddler off early on a path of reading can have numerous benefits for them as they head into school and beyond! Early readers tend to learn faster, have better focus, and improve problem-solving. Additionally, they develop higher confidence levels around language and communication, leading to improved socialization skills as they grow older. Not only that but reading is an endless source of entertainment – allowing their minds to explore places near and far without ever having to leave the comfort of home. 

Teaching your toddler to read can be an exciting and rewarding process. It’s a great way to help your child get a head start in their education while teaching them invaluable skills that will serve them well throughout their academic career. But where do you start? Here are ten simple tips to get you and your toddler reading quickly! 

Start early

Reading to your infant, even before they are old enough for formal instruction, is an important part of their development. They will begin recognizing shapes and pictures, learn about language in a fun way, and grow in their knowledge of the world around them. Plus, it’s great bonding time for you and your little one!

Introducing books allows you to read together later when they are older as well. Getting used to being read helps improve readiness for formal learning and can create lifelong habits that shape how children view reading. It’s never too early to introduce your child to books – so find some fun ones and let the stories begin!

Make it fun

Reading can be seen as a chore or punishment for some children, but teaching your toddler to read doesn’t have to be that way! Making reading an enjoyable experience will help them build a positive attitude towards books and learning in general. Choose stories they will find interesting, and make time for plenty of snuggles while you explore the world of literature together.

Letting your child pick out their books is also important. This can teach them independence while also teaching them to trust their judgement when it comes to what type of stories they prefer. Get creative with the process – try incorporating puppets and stuffed animals into story time or turn it into an interactive game by asking questions about what they’ve read.

Create a routine

Creating a regular reading time that your toddler looks forward to can help reinforce the importance of books in their life and make it more of a habit. Starting regular reading time with your child, even for just 15 minutes each day, will immensely benefit them in the long run. 

Be sure to carve out the same time each day for reading so your child knows when to expect it. This could be right after breakfast, before bedtime, or anytime in between – whatever works best for you both! Also, make sure the environment is relaxed and comfortable. Remember to bring some cozy blankets or pillows to get cozy during story time!

Help them sound out words

One of the keys to teaching your toddler how to read is to sound out words and recognize letter-sound relationships. This will eventually lead to decoding words independently as they get older. To do this, pick books that contain simple words with short vowels and consonants. If you come across a word your toddler doesn’t understand, point to each letter as you sound it out and have them repeat after you.

You can also use teaching tools like magnetic letters or flashcards to help them learn and recognize the different sounds of each letter. They should be able to start picking up on the patterns quickly – giving them confidence in their reading abilities!

Make time for practice

Practice makes perfect! Having your child read aloud is an integral part of teaching them how to read and can help build their confidence in reading out loud. Pick books they are interested in so they stay engaged and motivated throughout the process and don’t be afraid to help them out if they get stuck on a word.

You can also choose books with repetition or rhyming words that are easier to decode. This will help your toddler become more familiar with the different sounds and will make it easier for them to sound out new words as they come across them.

Be patient

Learning to read takes time. So, be sure to be patient with your toddler and encourage them as they progress. Celebrate their successes, no matter how small, as teaching a toddler to read is no easy task!

Patience also includes letting your child take breaks when needed. Reading can be overwhelming for little ones, and forcing them won’t do much good if they start feeling frustrated. Praise their efforts and make sure the environment is one of encouragement rather than pressure or criticism.

Take advantage of teaching tools

There are plenty of teaching tools available to help make teaching your toddler how to read easier and more fun. Apps, interactive websites, and flashcards are all great resources you can take advantage of.

Apps like Reading Eggs or ABCmouse offer engaging activities that teach letter-sound relationships, basic phonics skills, sight words, and more – all in a fun game format! Flashcards also come in handy as they’ve been proven to improve recognition time for young children learning to read.

Make it meaningful

Learning to read is about so much more than just recognizing letters and sounding out words – it’s about connecting with stories and understanding their meaning. Involve your child in the process by asking them questions about what they’re reading.

Ask them to point out characters and objects in a picture book or explain how they think the story ends. This will help them understand the meaning of what they’re reading while teaching them essential comprehension skills.

Take it outside

Sometimes taking learning outdoors can be just as beneficial! Many libraries have summer reading programs or other outdoor events to teach toddlers how to read. Doing activities like this gives your child an opportunity to practice their skills in a different environment, surrounded by other kids and activities that are fun and engaging.

Why don’t you also make up your outdoor activity? Have your toddler search for items in the park that begin with a certain letter or sound!

Use repetition

One of the best teaching strategies for teaching a toddler to read is repetition. Repeating words and sentences can help your child become more familiar with them, making them easier to sound out and understand.

Get creative with this strategy by playing games like “I Spy” or saying tongue twisters together. You can also make up rhymes or stories that have repeating patterns. The more fun you have with it, the more likely your little one will be to commit these words to memory!

Learning how to read takes time, dedication, and patience – but teaching a toddler to read doesn’t have to be stressful. Keep these 10 tips in mind as you embark on this educational journey with your toddler and you’ll be sure to have a blast along the way!

At Children Central, our goal is to provide a smart start for your early learner. We always keep in mind your child’s well being and take pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!


12 Alphabet Activities for Kids to Master their ABCs

Little girl holding a book with the letters of the alphabet behind her

A child’s success in school starts with a strong foundation in the basics, and one of the things every child should be able to do is master their ABCs. Recognizing and naming letters is the foundation upon which 

all other reading and writing skills are built. Once children know their ABCs, they can begin to sound out words, which is an important first step in learning to read. Additionally, mastering the ABCs helps children understand the basic concepts of language, such as how words are put together to form sentences. This is where fun alphabet activities come in handy!

Learning their letters doesn’t have to feel like a daunting task. As a parent, you can help your little one practice their ABCs in a way they will absolutely enjoy! Here are 12 alphabet activities your kids will love!

Play Alphabet Matching Game

The Alphabet Matching Game is an exciting way for kids to learn their ABCs. The game is simple: each player gets a set of cards with an image of an object that begins with a different letter of the alphabet. The object’s name is also printed on the card.

To play, the kids flip over two cards simultaneously, looking for a match. If they find a match, they keep the pair of cards and take another turn. If they don’t find a match, they put the cards back in the same order, and the next player takes their turn. The game continues until all of the matches have been found. Not only is this game fun. It’s also educational. It helps kids learn letter recognition and associate letters with objects.

Alphabet Puzzles

Alphabet puzzles are another great alphabet activity for kids. Each puzzle has a letter of the alphabet on the top and an image at the bottom that starts with that letter. To complete the puzzle, your child needs to match up the pieces with their corresponding letters. This alphabet game will help them learn upper-case and lower-case letters as well as associate each letter with an object or action. It’s also great for developing fine motor skills and problem-solving! Plus, it’s fun!

Go on An Alphabet Hunt

An alphabet hunt is a fun way to get kids out of the house while learning their ABCs at the same time. All you need to do is create a list of items that start with each letter of the alphabet and then go on a hunt to find them. You can make this game as easy or challenging as you want. For example, you could look for things in your house like “an apple” (A) or “a pair of socks” (S). Or you can take it outside and search for things like “acorns” (A) or “seagulls” (S).

Alphabet Art

This is a fun alphabet activity for kids who have an affinity to art! Give each child a piece of paper with a different letter printed on it. Ask them to think of objects, animals, people, or any other image that starts with the same letter and have them draw it on the paper. Once they’re done, have them hang up their alphabet art in a particular place where everyone can enjoy it!

Alphabet Bingo

Alphabet bingo is an alphabet game perfect for kids of all ages. To play, each player gets a card with a different letter printed on it. The first player to cover five squares in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) wins the game! This alphabet activity helps kids learn to recognize letters and associate them with objects and encourages them to think fast and make quick decisions.

ABC Soup

ABC soup is a fun alphabet activity that encourages creative thinking. All you need is some alphabet-shaped pasta, vegetables, and broth! Before serving your delicious alphabet soup, have your child find all the different letters in the bowl and name something that starts with each letter. Not only is this alphabet activity fun and tasty, it’s also a great way to teach alphabet recognition and improve vocabulary.

Alphabet Charades

This alphabet game is a twist on the classic charades game we all know and love. Instead of using random words or phrases, have each player choose an object that starts with a different letter of the alphabet. Players then take turns acting out their objects while others guess what they are. This alphabet activity encourages kids to think outside the box as they devise creative ways to act out their objects! Plus, it’s always good for some laughs along the way!

Alphabet Hopscotch

Hopscotch is already an exciting game. With alphabet hopscotch, you can make it even more fun and educational! To play, draw a hopscotch board with each square representing a different alphabet letter. You can also add images or objects to each square that start with that letter for added visual stimulation. Players then take turns hopping from one letter to the next as they try to complete the alphabet board!

Paint the Alphabet

This alphabet activity is perfect for kids who love to get creative with art. Give each player a piece of paper and some paint or markers. Then, ask them to draw and color all the letters from A through Z on their paper using different colors. Not only does this alphabet game help with letter recognition, but it also encourages creativity and encourages problem-solving skills!

Make an Alphabet Book

This alphabet activity is great for kids ready for a more in-depth alphabet project. Ask your child to create an alphabet book where each page represents one letter of the alphabet with images and words that start with that letter. This alphabet game helps teach vocabulary as well as encourages reading and writing skills.

Alphabet Memory Match

This alphabet game is perfect for younger kids who are just starting to learn their ABCs! All you need are some alphabet cards or letters printed on paper. Place all the cards facedown in a pile, then take turns flipping two cards over. If the two cards match, the player gets to keep them. The player with the most matches at the end of the game wins!

Active Alphabet

This alphabet game is perfect for getting kids up and active. Have each player choose a letter of the alphabet and then perform actions that start with that letter. For example, if they chose the letter “C,” they could do something like jump five times, hop on one foot 7 times, or skip around the room 9 times. Not only does this alphabet activity help teach alphabet recognition, but it’s also a great way to get kids moving!

Learning the alphabet should begin early in a child’s life, and alphabet activities can help make the process fun and exciting. From alphabet soup to alphabet charades, there are lots of alphabet games that can help kids learn their ABCs in a creative and engaging way. Try out these fun and exciting activities with your child today!

At Children Central, our goal is to provide a smart start for your early learner. We always keep in mind your child’s well being and take pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!

10 Ways to Make Learning Numbers Fun and Engaging for Kids

Of all the things that kids have to learn in school, math is often considered one of the most challenging. While some kids are born with a natural affinity to numbers, it’s no secret that some others struggle with understanding math concepts. This can, later on, result in them falling behind their classmates and losing confidence in their abilities. 

By learning to work with numbers, young kids may have improved cognitive skills, problem-solving ability, greater attention and concentration, and better coordination and fine motor skills. They can also gain a deeper understanding of the world, learning about things like measurement, fractions, equations, proportions, ratios, percentages, and more.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to make learning numbers fun and engaging for kids. From using rhythm and music to incorporating hands-on activities, various methods can help kids grasp math concepts more easily. Keep reading for ten ideas that you can use to make math time more enjoyable for your little learner.

Use music and movement

Add some rhythm to math time by incorporating songs and dances into the lesson. Plenty of kids’ songs focus on numbers and counting, so put on some tunes and get moving! You can also make up your movements to go along with the song – for example, every time you sing “Five little ducks went out to play,” flap your arms like wings.

Play guess the number

This is a classic game that’s perfect for learning about numbers and estimation. To play, one person thinks of a number between 1 and 10 (or 20, depending on the level of difficulty). The other players then take turns asking questions that can only be answered with a yes or no, in order to try to guess the number. For example, “Is the number less than five?” Once the number has been guessed, it’s the next player’s turn to think of a number.

healhty parent-child relationship

Get hands-on with counting objects

One of the best ways for kids to learn is by experiencing things firsthand. So when you’re working on counting concepts with your little one, use manipulatives that they can touch and feel. This could be anything from small toys and blocks to pieces of cereal or pasta. As they count out each object, have them line them up in a row so they can see how many they have altogether. You can also put a few items in a bag and have them reach in and feel around to guess how many are inside.

Make a number line

A number line is a visual representation of numbers from smallest to largest (or vice versa). To make your own, simply grab a piece of paper and draw a line. Then, write the numbers in order along the line, spacing them out evenly. You can also use manipulatives like small toys or buttons to create a tactile number line that kids can touch as they count. Once you’ve made your number line, you can do tons of different games and activities with it. For example, you can have your child hop along the line as they count or use it to practice simple addition and subtraction problems.

Play store

This is a great activity for learning about numbers, counting, and simple addition and subtraction. To set up, grab some small toys or other objects that can be used as “items” in the store. Then, set up a “checkout counter” using a small table or box. You can also make your own play money out of paper or cardboard. Once everything is ready, take turns being the customer and the storekeeper. The customer will choose items to buy and then hand over the appropriate amount of money to the storekeeper. The storekeeper will then need to count out the right amount of change. This activity can be made more challenging by increasing the prices of the items, or by having customers purchase multiple items at once.

Create a number scavenger hunt

This is a fun activity that can be done indoors or outdoors. To set up, simply hide small pieces of paper around the room or house (you could also use sticky notes). On each piece of paper, write a different number. Then, give your child a bag or basket and let them go on a scavenger hunt to find all of the numbers. Once they’ve found them all, help them count them to see how many there are. You can make this activity more challenging by hiding larger numbers or having kids put the numbers in order from smallest to largest before they start counting.

Use interactive apps and games

There are tons of great apps and games out there that are specifically designed to help kids learn about numbers. A few of our favorites include Numberjacks, Peekaboo Barn, and Counting with LeVar. These apps can be used on your phone, tablet, or computer and are perfect for learning (and reinforcing) number concepts in a fun and engaging way.

Build towers with blocks

This is a great activity for learning about numbers, patterns, and spatial awareness. To play, grab a bunch of small blocks (or any other type of building material). Then, see how high you can stack them without the tower toppling over. As you build, point out the different patterns that you see (e.g., two blocks, then three blocks, then four blocks). You can also challenge your child to build a tower taller than yours or make a tower using a specific number of blocks.

Go on a number nature walk

This is a great activity for getting kids outdoors and learning about numbers at the same time. To play, take a walk around your neighborhood or local park and look for things you can count on along the way. This could be trees, flowers, birds, cars, people, etc. As you find something to count, point them out to your child and help them track how many there are. You can also challenge them to find certain numbers (e.g., find five flowers) or to count up to a certain number (e.g., count up to 10 trees).

Make a homemade number book

This is a great activity for learning numbers, counting, and simple addition and subtraction. To make your book, you’ll need some paper, scissors, and glue. Start by folding your paper in half lengthwise to create a long rectangle. Then, cut the rectangle into thirds so that you have three long strips of paper. Next, fold each strip of paper half widthwise to create a short rectangle. Once your rectangles are folded, it’s time to start decorating them! On the front of each rectangle, draw or glue a different number (you can also write the number using words).

Then, on the inside of each rectangle, write a simple math equation that uses the number on the front (e.g., if the number is “3”, you could write “1+2=3”). Once your rectangles are decorated, staple them together to create your own number book!

These are just a few of the many ways to make learning numbers fun and engaging for kids. And if you’re looking for the best preschool, be sure to consider Children Central. At Children Central, our goal is to provide a smart start for your early learner. We always keep in mind your child’s well being and take pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!


8 Fun Sensory Activities for Toddlers

Toddlers are always on the go; keeping them entertained can be a full-time job. If you’re looking for fun activities to keep your toddler occupied while they learn and have fun, sensory activities can come in handy! Sensory activities are perfect for toddlers because they help stimulate their senses and promote cognitive development. Kids learn about texture, temperature, smell, taste, and sound through sensory play. They also develop fine motor skills and problem-solving skills. From tactile experiences to taste testing, your toddler will love these eight fun activities!

Play with Playdough

This classic activity is always a hit with toddlers. Not only is it fun to squish and shape the dough, but it is also great for developing fine motor skills. You can even hide small objects in the dough for your toddler to find. For a different sensory experience, add some dried spices to the dough before you start playing.

Go on a scavenger hunt

Take your toddler on a hunt around the house or backyard to find certain items. This is an excellent way to help them develop their observation skills. You can make a list of items for them to find or simply let them hunt for anything that catches their eye. Either way, they are sure to have fun while they search!

Finger painting

Finger painting is another great activity for developing fine motor skills. It is also a lot of fun! Use washable paint, so you don’t have to worry about accidents. You can finger paint on paper, cardboard, or shaving cream! Shaving cream will give your toddler an extra tactile experience as they paint. Just supervise them closely so they don’t eat any of the paint—or the shaving cream!

Plant a garden

Gardening is a great way to introduce your toddler to the outdoors and teach them where food comes from. Let them help you plant seeds in pots or in the ground. Give them their little shovel and rake to use as well. Watering the plants together is also a great bonding experience for you and your little one. As a bonus, once the plants start growing, you will have fresh fruits or vegetables to enjoy together!

healhty parent-child relationshipPlay in kinetic sand

You are missing out if you haven’t played with kinetic sand before! This particular type of sand is moldable, like wet sand but doesn’t get wet or sticky. It’s perfect for indoor sensory play on rainy days—and cleanup is a breeze! Your toddler will love molding and shaping the sand into whatever they can imagine. Not to mention it’s excellent for developing fine motor skills.

Listen to music

Listening to music is a great way to relax and de-stress—and it’s suitable for toddlers, too! Research has shown that listening to music can help improve cognitive development, memory, and focus in young children. So put on some of your favorite tunes and dance with your toddler! They are sure to have a blast—and you might even get some exercise!

Make homemade pizzas

Not only is making homemade pizzas delicious, but it’s also a ton of fun! Let your toddler help you choose the toppings, mix the dough, and spread on the sauce. Then let them top the pizza with their favorite ingredients. Not only will they love eating their creation, but they will also be proud of it!

Read together

Reading books with your toddler is not only enjoyable, but it’s also very beneficial for their development. Reading aloud helps improve language skills, enriches vocabulary, and strengthens memory. Plus, it gives you quality time together! Snuggle up with your little one and enjoy one of their favorite stories today.

These eight sensory activities are fun for your toddler and will also help them learn about the world around them. So next time your little one is feeling antsy, give one of these activities a try, and they might just be surprised at how much fun learning can be!

At Children Central, our curriculum will help your child develop their cognitive, social, emotional, fine and gross motor skills. Our highly trained and educated teachers provide endless opportunities for the toddlers to explore and develop in a safe learning environment. Visit us to learn more!

8 Practical Life Skills to Teach your Preschoolers

The importance of learning life skills in a child’s early years cannot be overemphasized. In fact, the preschool years are the perfect time to introduce the skills that help children to be independent, responsible and confident. These are essential for everyday living and learning how to be self-reliant adults. Learning these skills at an early age also helps children be better prepared for kindergarten and beyond. But what are life skills?

What are life skills?

Life skills are the abilities and knowledge that help us cope with everyday life’s demands and challenges. They enable us to solve problems, make decisions and get along with others. Some life skills are practical, like cooking or budgeting, while others are interpersonal, like communication or conflict resolution.

There are many reasons why practical life skills are essential for children to learn. For one, they help children to be independent and self-sufficient. This is crucial not only in terms of daily living but also in terms of academic success. Studies have shown that children who have developed practical life skills are more likely to do well in school and be successful in their future careers.

So what practical life skills should you teach your preschooler? Here are eight that we think are important:

Dressing up and undressing

One of the most important practical life skills you can teach your preschooler is how to dress and undress. Being able to dress and undress independently is a vital part of daily life and helps kids become more independent and confident. It also comes in handy when they’re trying to get dressed in a hurry or when you need to be freed up from helping them whenever they need to change clothes. Start with simple tasks like putting on a shirt or pulling up their pants, and then move on to more challenging tasks like buttoning up a shirt or zipping up a jacket.

Washing hands and face

Proper hygiene is crucial for good health, so teaching your child how to wash their hands and face properly is important. Show them how to wet their hands, use soap and lather up, then rinse well and dry off. For the face, demonstrate how to wet a washcloth or use a facial cleanser, then gently scrub the face in a circular motion before rinsing clean. Explain why it’s important to wash their hands and face regularly, especially after using the restroom or playing outside. 
healhty parent-child relationship

Brushing teeth

Another important hygiene skill is brushing teeth. Start by showing your child how to wet their toothbrush, put toothpaste on it (a pea-sized amount is all that’s needed), and then brush in a circular motion. Demonstrate how to brush the front, top and back of their teeth, as well as their tongue. Once they’ve got the hang of it, let them practice on their own while you supervise. It’s also important to explain why brushing teeth is important and how to do it properly so they can continue doing it independently when they’re older.

Using the toilet

Using the toilet independently is a major milestone for any child. But for many kids, this can be a challenging task. If your child is having trouble using the toilet independently, there are a few things you can do to help them out. First, make sure they’re using the proper toilet for their size. A child-sized toilet or potty chair is much more comfortable and easier to use than an adult-sized one. Second, show them how to properly wipe themselves after using the toilet. Finally, explain the importance of washing their hands after using the toilet.

Putting away their toys

A key part of daily life is cleaning up after oneself, including putting away toys. Show your child how to pick up their toys and put them away in their proper place. You can also teach them how to sort their toys by type or size. This is a great practical life skill because it helps kids learn how to organize and tidy up their space. It also comes in handy when they need to clean up quickly, like before company comes over.

Setting the table

Setting the table is another practical life skill that’s useful in daily life. And it’s not just for special occasions! Show your child how to set the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also teach them to clear the table and load the dishwasher (if you have one). This is a great skill to teach because it helps kids learn how to be independent and responsible for helping out around the house.

Pouring drinks

Pouring their drinks is a practical life skill many kids find empowering. It’s also a great way to avoid spills! Show your child how to pour milk, juice or water into a cup without spilling. You can also teach them how to measure liquids using a measuring cup. This is a great skill for kids because it helps them become more independent and confident in their abilities.

Making their bed

Making their bed is another practical life skill that can help kids feel more grown up. It’s also a great way to start the day on a positive note. Show your child how to straighten their sheets and blankets, then tuck them in at the corners. You can also teach them how to fluff their pillows and arrange them just so. This is a great skill because it helps kids learn to be tidy and organized. Plus, it’s a great way to get them excited about making their bed each morning!

There are many practical life skills that you can teach your preschooler. These skills will help them in their daily life, both now and in the future, and it’s never too early to start!

At Children Central, our goal is to provide a smart start for your early learner. We always keep keep in mind your child’s well being. We make sure to provide spacious and bright classrooms and ultra-safe and clean environments, and pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!


7 Tips for Dealing with Challenging Behavior in Children

One of the most challenging aspects of parenting is dealing with difficult behaviors. These behaviors can be frustrating and exhausting for both parents and children, whether it’s tantrums, defiance, or aggression. However, it’s important to remember that these behaviors are often a child’s way of communicating their needs. When children feel like their needs are not being met, they may act out to get their parents’ attention. In some cases, challenging behaviors may also indicate underlying emotional issues. 

If you’re struggling to deal with challenging behavior in your child, here are seven tips that may help:

Establish clear rules and expectations

Children thrive on structure and routine. Letting your child know what is expected of them upfront can help to prevent a lot of behavioral issues before they even start. Be specific about what you expect, and ensure that both you and your child are on the same page. Try to be consistent with your rules and follow through with consequences when necessary. This will help your child feel safe and secure and will make it easier for them to understand and follow your expectations.

healhty parent-child relationship

Keep your cool

It can be difficult to stay calm when your child is acting out, but it’s important to try. Losing your temper will only worsen the situation and likely escalate the behavior. If you get angry, take a step back and take some deep breaths. You may also want to consider walking away from the situation until you can calm down. It’s also important to avoid punishing your child while you’re angry, as this can lead to further behavioral issues down the road.

Be consistent with discipline

When it comes to disciplining your child, consistency is key. If you only follow through with consequences sometimes, your child will quickly learn that they can get away with bad behavior if they wait long enough. However, if you’re consistent with your discipline, your child will eventually learn that their bad behavior will not be tolerated. This doesn’t mean that you need to be overly strict, but it does mean that you should follow through with consequences every time your child exhibits negative behavior.

Avoid power struggles

Many behavioral issues arise from power struggles between parents and children. If your child feels they can control you through their behavior, they’re likely to continue acting out. To avoid power struggles, it’s important to be assertive with your child. Let them know that you’re in charge, and don’t give in to their demands. Avoiding empty threats is also important, as this will only teach your child that they can get away with bad behavior.

Use positive reinforcement

When your child exhibits good behavior, praise them for it. This will reinforce the desired behavior and make it more likely that they’ll continue to behave positively. Avoid using negative reinforcement, such as punishments or threats, as this can lead to further behavioral issues. Instead, focus on rewarding your child when they do something well.

Ignore minor misbehavior

If your child is misbehaving but isn’t causing any real harm, it’s often best to just ignore the behavior. In many cases, children act out to get their parents’ attention. If you give them the attention they seek, they will likely continue misbehaving. However, if you ignore the behavior, it will eventually stop. Of course, this isn’t always possible, and you may need to take action if the behavior is disruptive or dangerous.

Establish routines

Routines can be extremely helpful for children with behavioral issues. Having a set schedule for activities, meals, and bedtime can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can often lead to negative behaviors. routines will also help your child feel more secure and give them a sense of structure they can rely on.

Dealing with challenging behaviors is always a part of parenting, but it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. By following these tips, you can help make the process a bit easier while helping your child learn to manage their behavior positively.

At Children Central, we always keep your child’s well-being in mind. We make sure to provide spacious and bright classrooms and ultra-safe and clean environments, and pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!


How to Create the Perfect After-School Routine for your Preschooler

After a long day of learning and playing, preschoolers need to have an after-school routine that helps them wind down and get ready for the rest of the day. An after-school routine can help preschoolers transition from the classroom to a more relaxed atmosphere at home and can give them a sense of structure and stability after a busy day. After-school routines can vary depending on your child’s interests but may include activities such as reading, journaling, or spending time outside. These activities can help preschoolers stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the end of the day. 

Give your little one enough space to recharge from the school day with these eight tips for creating the perfect after-school routine!

Make sure the after-school routine is age-appropriate

Preschoolers are still learning and growing, so it’s important to ensure that the after-school routine is developmentally appropriate. After-school routines should be simple and easy to follow, with enjoyable activities for the child. For example, you may want to include a simpler activity such as coloring rather than asking the child to do a difficult puzzle.

Keep after-school routines short and sweet

After-school routines should be short and sweet, so preschoolers don’t get overwhelmed or tired after a long day. An after-school routine may last for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the child’s attention span.

Incorporate physical activity into the after-school routine

Physical activity is just as important for preschoolers as it is for adults. Try to incorporate it into the after-school routine whenever possible. Physical activity can help preschoolers release energy, stay focused, and sleep better at night. For example, you may want to include a short walk or bike ride in the afternoon when they get home from school.

Make after-school routines flexible

It’s important to be flexible when it comes to after-school routines. If the routine is too rigid, it may be difficult for preschoolers to stick to it. After-school routines should be adjusted based on the child’s needs and interests. For example, if the child is having a bad day, you may want to skip the journaling activity and focus on something more calming, such as reading a book together.

Give after-school routines some structure

While after-school routines should be flexible, they should also have some structure. This can help preschoolers feel safe and secure after a busy day. After-school routines should include a few activities that are consistent from day to day. For example, you may want to start the routine with a snack and then move on to another activity.

Make after-school routines enjoyable

After-school routines should be enjoyable for preschoolers. This can help them look forward to the routine and make them more likely to stick to it. Try to include activities your child enjoys, such as reading or playing outside. You can also add more fun by adding a special treat, such as a small toy or piece of candy.

Don’t forget about schoolwork

While after-school routines should be relaxing, they shouldn’t be completely free of schoolwork. Preschoolers may still have homework or other assignments to complete after school. Be sure to include some time for schoolwork in the after-school routine so that it doesn’t become a burden later in the day. The important thing is that you should allow your child to decompress first before starting on their schoolwork.

Reward after-school routines

Rewards can help preschoolers feel motivated to stick to after-school routines. Rewards do not have to be anything grand. They can be as simple as a sticker or a special treat. You can also use after-school routines as an opportunity to teach responsibility and good behavior. For example, you may want to give your child a gold star for each day that they complete their after-school routine without complaint.

Creating an after-school routine plays a vital role in helping preschoolers transition from school to home, and establishing this routine shouldn’t have to be stressful. With some planning and a bit of trial and error, you’ll be able to find what works best for your family!

At Children Central, we always keep your child’s well-being in mind. We make sure to provide spacious and bright classrooms and ultra-safe and clean environments, and pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!


15 Fun and Educational Screen-Free Activities for your Toddler

The internet has been an excellent tool in our kids’ learning and education. It’s also been a great way to keep them entertained. With countless online sites and apps, more and more parents are turning to screen time to support their kids’ learning and keep them occupied at the same time.

While screens can be entertaining, they should not be the only source of entertainment and learning for young children. It can be tricky to find the right balance, but luckily there are plenty of screen-free activities that fit the bill.

Here are 15 screen-free activities that are both fun and educational for your toddler:


Play with blocks or other building toys

Blocks and building toys are excellent educational activities. Expand your child’s creativity by encouraging them to build towers, houses, castles, or anything else they can imagine.

Put together a puzzle

Puzzles are great for developing problem-solving, fine motor, and hand-eye coordination skills. Start with a simple 4 or 6-piece puzzle and work your way up to more challenging puzzles as your child’s skills improve.

Dress up in costumes

Dressing up is a great way to encourage imaginative play. It also helps kids learn about different people, places, and things. Encourage playing dress-up at home with a small selection of costumes and props, or take it to the next level by visiting a local dress-up shop.

Have a dance party

Dancing is fun, but it’s also a great way to get some exercise. Put on your child’s favorite music and let them loose!

Play pretend games

Pretend games are another excellent way to encourage imaginative play. Whether you’re playing restaurant, a store, a doctor’s office, or just making up your own game, kids will love using their imaginations to create new worlds.

Draw with chalk

Chalk is an excellent way for kids to express their creativity. Drawings can be as simple or complex as your child likes. Plus, chalk is easy to clean up!

Play catch, hopscotch, or other outdoor games

Getting outside is a great way to get some fresh air and exercise. Simple games like catch, hopscotch and tag are perfect for young children.

Make homemade pizzas or other snacks

Cooking is an excellent activity for kids of all ages. It helps them learn about different ingredients, measuring, and following directions. Plus, it’s a delicious way to spend some time together!

Read stories together

Reading is not only educational but also enjoyable. Visit your local library or bookstore and let your child pick out their favorite stories to read together. You can also make reading a habit by reading a story every night before bed.

Play with puppets or dolls

Puppets and dolls are great for imaginative play. Create a simple puppet show or have your child act out their favorite stories with their dolls.

Go on a nature walk

Nature walks are a great way to explore the world around us. They can also be educational, as you can point out different animals, plants, and insects along the way. Be sure to bring a camera so your child can take pictures of anything they find interesting!

Do a science experiment

Science experiments are a fun and educational way to spend some screen-free time together. There are tons of simple experiments you can do at home with everyday materials.

Play music together

Making music is a great way to encourage creativity. It can also be a fun way to bond with your child. If you don’t know how to play an instrument, no worries! There are plenty of ways to make music without being a musician. Try banging on some pots and pans, clapping along to songs, or creating your own instruments out of recycled materials.

Make art together

Making art is another great activity for encouraging creativity. It’s also a fun way to spend some screen-free time together. You don’t need to be an artist to enjoy making art with your child. Just grab some paper and crayons and let your imaginations run wild!

Have a picnic

Picnics are a great way to enjoy the outdoors and spend quality time together. Just grab a blanket, snacks, and your favorite people and head outside!

It can be tempting to keep on turning to screens to aid our kids’ learning and keep them busy when our hands are tied to our chores. But since screen time should be monitored and limited, these screen-free activities would be excellent alternatives to screen time that are both fun and educational for your toddler! Try out a few of these activities the next time you reach for the TV remote.

At Children Central, we always keep your child’s well-being in mind. We make sure to provide spacious and bright classrooms and ultra-safe and clean environment, and pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!


How to Make Reading Fun for Early Readers

Reading is an essential skill that helps children learn and grow. It is integral to their cognitive development, communication skills, and overall knowledge. However, some children may find reading to be a chore. If your child is struggling to enjoy reading, don’t worry. You’re not alone. The good news is that there are ways to make reading fun for early readers. Here are ten tips you might find handy!

Let them choose their own books

Kids are more likely to enjoy reading if they’re allowed to select their own books. So, instead of deciding for them, encourage them to choose materials that pique their interest. Visit your local library or bookstore and let your child browse the shelves. If they’re struggling to find something they like, ask a librarian or bookseller for recommendations.

Make it interactive

Reading doesn’t have to be a passive activity. Try to make it fun and interactive! Get involved by asking questions about the story, acting out scenes, or making sound effects. This will help keep your child’s attention focused and make the experience more enjoyable and immersive.


Try to explore different spots for reading

Reading in the same spot every day can get boring. So, mix things up by reading in different places around your house or outdoors.

For example, you can change up your bedtime reading a bit and build an indoor tent where you can read in the dark with a flashlight. Or, you can read under a tree in your backyard on a sunny day.

Create a special reading nook

Consider creating a cozy reading nook for your child if you have the space. Stock it with their favorite books, comfy pillows, and a blanket. Make it as peaceful and relaxing as possible. This will help turn reading into a special treat.

Read aloud together

Sharing a book with your child is a great way to bond with them and make reading fun. Not to mention, it can also help improve their literacy skills. When you read aloud together, point out words on the page and talk about the story as you go along. You can also encourage them to practice their pronunciation while you’re reading.

Incorporate art and crafts

Another great way to make reading fun for early readers is to incorporate art and crafts into the activity. Consider setting up an art station where you can combine reading with creative expression. Then, while you tackle a book, you can have them draw pictures of their favorite characters or scenes from the book. Or, you can help them create homemade props and costumes that they can use when acting out stories.

Play phonemic awareness games

Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words. It’s a crucial skill for early readers as it helps them with decoding skills.

You can play several games to help develop your child’s phonemic awareness. One popular game is called “I Spy.” To play, you’ll need to choose an object and say its initial sound aloud. For example, if you choose the word “hat,” you would say “I spy with my little eye something that starts with /h/.” Then, your child will have to guess what the object is.

Use rhymes and songs

Singing nursery rhymes and songs is another great way to make reading fun for early readers. Not only is it enjoyable, but it can also help with their phonemic awareness skills.

There are tons of great nursery rhymes and children’s songs that you can sing together. If you’re not sure where to start, check out some of your old favorite Childhood classics like “Old McDonald Had a Farm” or “The Itsy Bitsy Spider.”

Make it a family affair

Finally, one of the best ways to make reading fun for early readers is to make it a family affair. Create a tradition of reading together as a family every night before bed. Or, have a weekly family read-aloud session where everyone takes turns reading a few pages from their current book.

Not only will this make reading more fun for your child, but it will also help instill a love of reading in them that will last a lifetime.

Reading doesn’t have to feel like a chore because there are certainly many ways to make reading fun for your early readers! So get out there and start reading with your little ones today!

At Children Central, we always keep your child’s wellbeing in mind. We make sure to provide spacious and bright classrooms and ultra safe and clean environment, and pride in our highly-qualified teachers to keep your children happy and constantly learning new things. Visit us to learn more!